Wednesday, 11 April 2012

2012 ...

Well 2012 has started with the most bizarre sorts of weather (good old UK!) but we have lots to look forward to this year ~ two of the biggest are ...

The Queen's Jubilee 

The Olympics

so get your best Union Jack hat or scarf on and go get involved. You can find out about lots of events happening around the country and in your local area on  Visit Britain

The high street is now awash with all sorts of patriotic paraphernalia to get you in the mood ~ napkins, cups, table cloths, tea towels - you name it you can buy it at the moment. You can pay as little or as much as your budget will allow, so with this in mind, here are just a few items available to help you go Red, White and Blue ...

The Range 

Union Jack Cross Stitch Cushion

Union Jack tray £1.00

John Lewis
Union Jack pillow case -  £6.00

distressed Union Jack PVC table cloth fabric
£15.00 per metre

Red, White & Blue Printed Canvas

Union Jack Line Lights

Union Jack Classic Telephone

Of course you can always scour the charity shops and boot fair for authentic and vintage pieces to add to your collection.

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